The Short Deck poker rules are pretty much in line with those of a standard Texas Hold’em game. Once Short Deck poker was introduced to this circle, the game took off, and it has since continued to grow in popularity. Many of the world’s best high-stakes players like Tom Dwan regularly compete in cash games in Macau. Its name comes from the fact that a 36-card deck is used, with all of the 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s removed.
#Pot committed blog plus
Sometimes referred to as Six Plus Hold’em or 6+ Poker, Short Deck came to prominence around 2017. We’ll also share a few Short Deck poker tips and strategies to improve your game.
#Pot committed blog full
In this article, we’ll explain the full rules, including which cards are removed and the effect this has on hand rankings and probabilities. Originating in Asia, this increasingly popular game is similar to Hold’em but uses just 36 cards.
#Pot committed blog how to
If you’re looking to learn how to play Short Deck poker, you’ve come to the right place.

But being pot committed when you can’t make any profit from it is just a bad idea, all around. We’re not going to lie - we’ve done it too. It’s easy to get into the heat of the moment and make decisions that you would regret later. Watch out for this in tournament play especially. There are some players that will spot your loose play and actually use it against you, tying you to pots that you have no chance of winning. We’ve covered odds, reverse odds, and implied odds - why not use those things to your advantage? You also want to study the other players as much as possible. You have to decide what it’s actually worth to you. Sometimes it’s better to come into a completely different hand and just let someone else get the win. But you do need to realize when you’re beat and you need to fold your cards. Sometimes it hurts that you have to fold a hand that looks pretty good to you. The better thing to do is play poker by the book.

And that means that you’re going to be in hot water, dear player. Once players realize what you’re up to, they are going to be gunning for you pretty hard. You might get lucky and even bluff out the other players, but this won’t last forever. You need to make sure that you’re only going into that pot when you know that you have a strong chance to win. But the chances of actually getting the right cards to come up for you are very slim. Sure, chances are there that you will get lucky. Why do players do it? They think that they’re honestly going to get lucky. Now, if you’re sitting in position with a nice monster hand, then by all means - go aggressive and get that pot! But if you’ve got a marginal hand and you know that you’re going to have to chase the river to get anything to hit, you’re becoming pot committed for all of the wrong reasons. That’s when you get pot committed for all of the wrong reasons. However, there are times where the desire to win trumps common sense. Who doesn’t like to win real money? Very few people would say that they don’t like extra money, especially when they get to show off their own strategy in the process. Getting into poker is exciting, because there’s the chance to win real money.